Katrijn Cierkens
Lecturer Environmental Technology
HOGENT Campus Mercator
Henleykaai 84, 9000 Gent
+32 472 37 95 36
- Business and Organisation
- Environmental technology and management
- Carbon footprint calculation
- Sustainability assessment
- Bread2B - converting bread food waste into products for human consumption, 2018-2022
- Boundless Biobased Education, Interreg, 2017-2019
- Benedetti, L., Belia, E., Cierkens, K., Flameling, T., De Baets, B., Nopens, I. and Weijers, S. (2013). The incorporation of variability and uncertainty evaluations in WWTP design by means of stochastic dynamic modeling: the case of the Eindhoven WWTP upgrade. Water Science and Technology, 67(8), 1841-1850.
- Cierkens,K., Nopens, I., De Keyser, W., Van Hulle, S., Plano, S., Torfs, E., Amerlinck, Y., Benedetti, L., van Nieuwenhuijzen, A., Weijers, S., J. De Jonge (2012). Integrated model-based optimisation at the WWTP of Eindhoven. Water Practice and Technology, Vol. 7, No 2.
- Cierkens, K., Plano, S., Benedetti L., Weijers S., de Jonge J. Nopens I. (2012). Impact of influent data frequency and model structure on the quality of WWTP model calibration and uncertainty. Water Science and Technology, 65(2), 233–242.