Every year more students with a disability finish higher education. This is also the case at HOGENT, as we are engaged into providing adequate services to those who need it in order to create equal study opportunities for everyone.
Students with an attested disability can submit a request via this page for individual education and examination measures (e.g. extra time for exams, compensatory software for students with dyslexia, oral explanations, etc.) or customised assistance (assistance with planning and organising, study method, taking notes, etc.). You can count on targeted support at thresholds based on your functional impairment.

HOGENT is committed to creating an optimal environment for all its students. In this way, all students will have equal opportunities for education.
Anyone who wants to be acknowledged as a student with a disability must be able to submit the following applicable certificates:
- Proof of measures from home school
- Dyslexia or dyscalculia research report
- Documentation for attestation of students with a physical disability (completed by the treating physician)
- Documentation for attestation of students with a hearing impairment (completed by the treating physician)
- Documentation for attestation of students with a visual impairment (completed by the treating physician)
- Documentation for attestation of students with a chronic disease (completed by the treating physician)
- Documentation for attestation of students with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (completed by the treating child or youth psychiatrist, neuropaediatrician, certified psychologist or registered special needs pedagogue)
- Documentation for attestation of students with an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (AD(H)D) (completed by the treating child or youth psychiatrist, neurologist, neuropaediatrician, certified psychologist or registered special needs pedagogue)
- Documentation for attestation of students with a psychiatric disability (completed by the treating child or youth psychiatrist, certified psychologist or registered special needs pedagogue)
- Documentation for attestation of students with developmental stuttering (completed by the treating doctor or speech therapist)
- Documentation for attestation of students with a developmental coordination disorder (completed by the treating child or youth psychiatrist, neuropaediatrician or neurologist)
- Documentation for attestation of students with a tic disorder (completed by the treating child or youth psychiatrist, neuropaediatrician or neurologist)
- Documentation for attestation of students with developmental dysphasia (completed by the treating doctor or speech therapist)
- Documentation for attestation of students with a psychiatric disability (completed by the treating child or youth psychiatrist, certified psychologist or registered special needs pedagogue)
- documentation for attestation of students with other disabilities (completed by the treating doctor)
Requesting measures.
Individual education and examination measures are reasonable customised adjustments to give all students equal opportunities. This way, everyone can fully participate in education and exams. To apply, contact the student counsellor+ of your programme by email.
Requesting measures.
Individual education and examination measures are reasonable customised adjustments to give all students equal opportunities. This way, everyone can fully participate in education and exams. To apply, contact the student counsellor+ of your programme by email.
Contact details SB+
Elien Verbeken
Valentin Vaerwyckweg 1
Building B – room 0.016
You can apply for these measures using the certificate that applies to you. The measures must meet four criteria:
- Necessary: without this measure, the student cannot fully participate in the education and examinations.
- Feasible: the measure may not create a demonstrably disproportionate burden for the organisation.
- Defensible: the measure can be justified with respect to those involved.
- Competence monitoring: the measure may not affect the intended final competences. Only the process to acquire these competences is modified by the measure.
The School decides on the final granting of the measures.
Some examples
- Do you have dyslexia? Then together we will look at whether compensatory software can help you.
- Do you have a visual impairment? Learning and examination material can be converted for you.
- Do you have autism? If you would benefit from a separate examination room, we will look into the possibilities together.
In need of individual guidance?
A team of student counselors+ is at your disposal.
Bernadette Willems & Elien Verbeken
Valentin Vaerwyckweg 1
Building B – room 0.016
You can also find more information on other kinds of support on the page Guidance & Well-being.