Foto POS Japanese adaptation

POS Japanese adaptation


POS Japanese adaptation

POS Japanese adaptation

The adaptation of the Personal Outcomes Scale to Japanese language.

The Personal Outcomes Scale is a measurement tool to examine quality of life among persons with intellectual disability. This paper addressed the validity and reliability of the Japanese version of the scale using both self-reports and reports of others.

Method: Data were collected from 128 people with intellectual disability (90 men and 38 women; Mage = 37.19 ± 11.90 (range = 19–69) years) and 27 support workers. Reliability was examined by Cronbach's alpha coefficients, inter-respondent reliability coefficients, and test-retest reliability. Validity was examined by construct validity and criteria-related validity.

Results: Self- and other-reported versions showed adequate internal consistency (α = 0.79); however, some domains had relatively low internal consistency. Validity tests showed weak to moderate correlations between the total score and the domain scores in both versions.

Conclusions The scale is reliable overall; however, cultural aspects should be considered to bolster its reliability for practical application. The collaboration to the research resulted in an article


POS Japanese adaptation is een onderzoeksproject van EQUALITY ResearchCollective.

Projectcoördinator HOGENT

Marco Lombardi

Projectcoördinator (extern)

Tatsuto Mishua


1/9/2021 - 1/7/2022



Externe organisaties

Department of Sociology, Ryukoku University, Shiga, Japan